Specific needs:
- safe and healthy travel for all the Washingtonians and Texans going on this adventure;
- that Jason's schedule will work out smoothly (things often don't go as planned in Africa!), and that he will be able to find transportation to and lodging in all the places he will be visiting solo to investigate further for our family;
- that Jason will have the opportunity to meet with all the people he is hoping to meet with: Francis Bii in Eldoret; Jared Odhiambo in Kisumu; Shawn Tyler in Kitale; and Tim Talley in Malindi. And that the meetings will be insightful and fruitful in helping us determine God's plan for our family;
- that Jason will find inexpensive ways of communicating regularly with us here back at home;
- that Amy and the kids will fare well without Daddy for two weeks.
We are planning some big summer events to kick-off our "Simplify and Save" plan. We hope you are able to attend either or both.
On Saturday, July 25, we will be having a big garage sale at Northwest Church. If you can help with the garage sale (in the days before or during), please let Amy know. Also, if you have any gently used items to donate, please let us know and we will arrange to pick them up and take them off your hands! Remember, one person's junk is another person's treasure, so we hope to see you at the sale!
On Saturday, August 29, we will be hosting the BEAF Harambee at the Northwest Church! "Harambee" is Swahili for "Let's Pull Together", which in Kenya really means, "Please help us. We need your money." This will be a fun evening of Kenyan culture, food and music. We plan to present a short slide show of Jason's trip and share God's plan for our family (thus, we really need Him to reveal that plan soon!). We will end the evening with a sale of Kenyan jewelry and other small wares, and an auction of some of our finer things, including some original quilts by Amy and watercolor paintings by Jason. If you can help with the Harambee, or have special items to donate for the auction, please let us know as soon as possible. More info to come on this event.
THANK YOU for your prayers as we move into the next phase of the Beagle's Epic Adventures in Faith!